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Feb 28, 2023

Week of 3/5/23 at the Library - Interview - 'Acrylics' | Hosts Dylan Posa and Barb Leitschuh go over upcoming events, interview each other, and lastly, return to 'Barb the Bookie' to recommend 'Acrylics' by Angela Gair.

Feb 23, 2023

Week of 2/26/23 at the Library - Ben Morehouse - 'The Riviera House' | Hosts Dylan Posa and Barb Leitschuh go over upcoming events, talk to the library's own Ben Morehouse about upcoming programs, and lastly, return to 'Barb the Bookie' to recommend 'The Riviera House' by Natasha Lester.

Feb 16, 2023

Week of 2/19/23 at the Library - Local History - 'Light On Bone' | Hosts Dylan Posa and Barb Leitschuh go over upcoming events, talk about the library's Local History sections, and lastly, return to 'Barb the Bookie' to recommend 'Light On Bone' by Kathryn Lasky.

Feb 7, 2023

Week of 2/12/23 at the Library - Sale cart - 'Shoe Dog' | Hosts Dylan Posa and Barb Leitschuh go over upcoming events, talk about the library's sale cart, and lastly, return to 'Barb the Bookie' to recommend 'Shoe Dog' by Phil Knight.